Feel amazing!

Personalised nutritional therapy which will improve your health, vitality & alleviate the effects of ageing
Are you 'falling out' with food?
Feeling deflated around your diet? The food that you eat plays a key part in the performance of both your body and mind, which is why understanding what you're eating and how it affects you is vital to a happy, healthy life.
Are your energy levels flagging?
Do you feel stressed and tired all the time?
Has your weight crept up over the years?
Do you suffer from bloating or digestive discomfort?
If you’re a woman are you experiencing menopausal symptoms?
I am Helen Buchan, a Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach based in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
I love what I do! I work with men and women who want to regain their health, energy, vitality and youthful looks.
Sound familiar?
I would love to help you to rediscover yourself!
I can help you feel amazing
As a qualified nutritional therapist, work with me and I’ll use my expertise to guide you back to a healthier way of life. If you’ve been struggling with your weight or your relationship with food, low energy, or digestive troubles, get in touch with me for a complimentary 30-minute Zoom health assessment.
Become healthier anywhere, anytime
Since the outbreak of COVID I have successfully been supporting my clients online through Zoom consultations which is working well and has many benefits. Time is saved travelling to consultations, with some clients managing to slot consultations into their lunch hour. Physical location ceases to be an issues and indeed I have been supporting clients in all parts of the UK, Italy, Spain and as far away as Australia.
My clients say that working with me has changed their lives, would you like to join them?
Book a remote session today, wherever you are on the globe.
What is a nutritional therapist?
A nutritional therapist is qualified to help you make healthier decisions around your diet, building plans that focus on wellbeing. The services I offer depend on your goals, but include the following:
Personalised health programmes
With our personalised health programmes, your current health and diet will be assessed, and we will work together over time to redress nutritional imbalances and improve symptoms of ill health. You will be supported through a series of Zoom calls providing ongoing nutritional advice and motivational coaching to help you reach your health goals.
Personalised weight loss programmes
Your current diet will be assessed, and we will work together to put in place a healthy eating plan which follows the principles of low GL eating to facilitate weight loss and take food preferences and lifestyle into consideration. Nutritional support and coaching will be provided via Zoom calls throughout the programme.
Personalised menopause programmes
Menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, anxiety, fatigue, low mood & weight gain can be triggered & made worse by poor dietary & lifestyle choices. This programme seeks to make sure your diet is serving you well i.e. getting the right balance, including foods to reduce symptoms, and dropping those which may hinder.
Personalised IBS and gut related programmes
Your digestive symptoms will be assessed to determine the scale of types of imbalance within the gut. A 360° approach will be taken to assess any dietary & lifestyle impact on your digestive system. Diagnostic tests may be recommended to determine imbalance and infection in the gut and to steer nutritional intervention.
Through a personalised approach to Nutrition you can:
- Increase your energy levels
- Improve Chronic Fatigue
- Reduce your stress levels
- Relieve IBS symptoms
- Improve mood and concentration
- Prevent Migraine
- Strengthen your immune system
- Get rid of food cravings
- Balance hormones
- Prevent osteoporosis
- Reduce blood pressure
- Have healthy, glowing skin
- Improve eczema, acne, psoriasis
- Lose weight
Our latest healthy eating recipes
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